Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Free Hawaii!

This article was first published in Small World Ezine on 9 September 2002 with author's permision.

 Big Island Hawaii Poster (23x35)


by Susan Rosier

As I sit this morning listening to the music of Israel
Kamakawiwo'ole (Brudda IZ), I cannot help but think
about the injustices done to the Nation of Hawai`i in
the unlawful acquisition of the islands as a
'territory of the United States".

You didn't know Pae`aina o Hawai`i Loa (Hawaiian
nation) was forced to become a part of the United
States?  Well, it happened over a hundred years ago. 
Let me tell you the shocking story:

It is said the the love of money is the root of all
evil.  Evil is what happened in Honolulu in the 1893
overthrow by a small group of greedy non-Hawaiian
residents with the aid of the U.S. minister and
American troops. 

Sugar!!  It is strange that sugar was at the bottom of
it all.  One hundred years later, sugar is also at the
heart of the economic demise of Hawai`i Nei.  The only
island that still processes sugar is Maui.  All other
island mills have been shut down leaving the poorest
of poor without means of support other than relying on
the land or the illegal U.S. government....most have
chosen the land!  Chosing to be without a house they
live on the beaches.  People call them homeless; but
they adamantly declare that Hawai`i is their 'home'; 
it a house and their land that they lack.  While the
haole (foreigners) today profit in Hawai`i, most
native citizens still suffer economically and
emotionally from the overthrow of their Queen.

A group of 'businessmen' sought to overthrow the
Kingdom of Hawai`i so the should profit from the sale
of sugar.  These men held Queen Liliuokalani captive
for days.  Under the threat of the US military and the
frightful thought of the bloodshed of her people, she
wrote the following statement:

"I, Liliuokalani, by the grace of God and under the
constitution of the Hawai`ian Kingdom, Queen, do
hereby solemnly protest against any and all acts done
against myself and the constitutional Government of
the Hawai`ian Kingdom by certain persons claiming to
have established a Provisional Government of and for
this Kingdom.

That I yield to the superior force of the United
States of America, whose minister plenipotentiary, his
excellency John L. Stevens, has caused United States
troops to be landed at Honolulu and declared that he
would support the Provisional Government.

Now, to avoid and collision of armed forces and
perhaps the loss of life, I do, under this protest,
and impelled by said force, yield my authority until
such time as the Government of the United States
shall, upon the facts being presented to it, undo the
action of its representative and reinstate me and the
authority which I claim as the constitutional
sovereign of the Hawai`ian Islands."

One can only imagine what went through the mind of
Queen Liliokalani as this group of greedy men held her
captive.  Afraid for the lives of her people, she
surrendered.  And thus Hawai`i came under the
jurisdiction of the United States of America.

In a message to Congress on December 18, 1893,
President Grover Cleveland reported fully and
accurately on the illegal acts of the conspirators,
described such acts as an "act of war, committed with
the participation of a diplomatic representative of
the United States and without authority of Congress".   He
appealed to congress to reinstate the Hawai`ian
Monarchy.  Yet the illegal occupation of the Sovereign
Nation continued. 

The events that followed were even sadder!  These
power hungry aliens with the continued threat of the
US Navy  were now free to take whatever they wanted;
and they did.  As an example:  You may have heard of
Waikiki and thought of a vast bay of white sand and
gentle waves.  Waikiki is a family name.  The land
belonged to a family.  It was taken by United States
citizens....the family of Waikiki was thrown off their
land; some forced to work in the sugar cane fields.

Field workers were recruited from other
nations....China, Japan, Philippines, Portugal, Puerto
Rico, and more sent their workers to the land of
prosperity - the islands of Hawaii which were now a
part of the United States.  They came accepting an
opportunity for the freedoms that living in the US is
supposed to bring.

Hawai`ians had no such freedoms.  They were not even
allowed to speak in their native tongue (a very basic
freedom in the United States - freedom of speech). 
The Hawai`ian language and ancient ways are alive
today because they were handed down by the Kapuna
(elders) through the chants and dances the world finds
fascinating.  Under the disguise of Christianity, they
were forced to live in the white man's way. 
Missionaries came to 'convert' them.  When in reality
Hawai`ian Spirituality supercedes Christianity, and
the basic tenants of both belief systems are the same.
These same first missionary families are
multimillionaires made by the sweat of
the poor people of Hawai`i (and others who now came
from many nations to make them rich.)

You've heard the name of Dole as it relates to
pineapple.  Samuel Dole was one of the key figures who
held our Queen captive.  Now you know how Dole
Pineapple made it's money - through thievery and
deceit.  He is not the only one.  

It is no wonder Hawai`i cries for it's independence! 
You can hear it in the music.  You can feel it in the
attitudes of our youth.  You can see it in the apology
of the United States issued by President Clinton in

Excerpts from Apology Resolution - Public Law
(103-150), S. J. Res. 19:

"To acknowledge the 100th anniversary of the January
17, 1893 overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawai`i, and to
offer an apology to Native Hawai`ians on behalf of the
United States for the overthrow of the Kingdom of

Whereas, prior to the arrival of the first Europeans
in 1778, the Native Hawai`ian people lived in a highly
organized, self- sufficient, subsistent social system
based on communal land tenure with a sophisticated
language, culture, and religion;

Whereas, from 1826 until 1893, the United States
recognized the independence of the Kingdom of Hawai`i,
extended full and complete diplomatic recognition to
the Hawai`ian Government, and entered into treaties
and conventions with the Hawai`ian monarchs to govern
commerce and navigation...

Whereas, on January 14, 1893... the United States
Minister assigned to the sovereign and independent
Kingdom of Hawai`i conspired with a small group of
non-Hawai`ian residents of the Kingdom of Hawai`i,
including citizens of the United States, to overthrow
the indigenous and lawful Government of Hawai`i;..."

Yet the apology is only a piece of paper; nothing has
been acted upon.  I suppose because it would be
'unprofitable' to allow Hawai`i to once again become
an independent nation.  

Slowly the world is coming to know the truth.  Many
countries have recognized Pae`aina o Hawai`i Loa
(Hawaiian nation).  Although not recognized by the
American government, the Kingdom of Hawai`i still has
it's King, Majesty Akahi Nui (a direct decendant of
the Monarchy), reigning over this 'nation within the

Aloha means hello; Aloha means goodbye; but most of
all, Aloha means love.  We extend our Aloha to the
people of this earth, can you extend your love back to
us in accepting Hawai'i as the sovereign nation that
it actually is?  The next time you hear the word
Aloha, please remember Hawai`ians in your thoughts and

As our flag so aptly puts it:  
"Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka `Aina I Ka Pono" 
The Life/Sovereignty of the Land is Perpetuated in
Righteousness!   And so our struggle continues.... 

Susan Rosier is a resident of the island of Maui,
Kingdom of Hawai`i.  Although not Hawai`ian by birth,
she understands the need of indigenous Hawai`ians to
reclaim their birthright.  You may contact her with
your questions:   For a
lighter view of Hawai`i, try her newsletter written by
a Mynah Bird named Hugo:


 Haole Women's Ringer in Yellow, Pink or Mint Kolohe Women's T-Shirt Hawaii Native Color Dark T-Shirt

Nucha's Notes:

Thank you Susan. 

Surprised me, though, that the cry for independence is this 
serious in Hawaii. I have heard of how Hawaii had become the
49th state of America, but I used to think everyone wanted 
to be American. Giving it a second thought, if whoever  
invaded Thailand the same way, I would fight for my homeland
too.  Even nowadays we are still complaining of being 
'culturally globalised' by big powers.

I would like to ask the people of Hawaii to forgive about
what had been done. But at the same time, I would also ask 
the U.S. government to listen to their voice. East Timor 
was freed in May. Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia were also 
recognized by Kremlin (actually it's the 11th anniversary 
last Friday). Indonesia and Russia did it. How about 

National Geographic Hawaiian Islands Wall Map

I used to write a brief story about the queen of Hawaii in
our 'World's Royal Families' issue. Will add it to the blog soon. 

 I Love Hawaii for Hawaiians Sticker (Bumper)

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