Friday, July 3, 2009


(From a Forwarded Mail -- First published in Small World Ezine on 22 March 2002)

      Afghan Girl - Poster

Miss America is a junior at Portland State University, hoping 
to eventually get a Master's degree in Bioethics.
Miss Afghanistan is forbidden from receiving any education at
all, and cannot read or write.

Miss America has worked as a lab assistant at both the Oregon
Health Sciences University and the University of Puget Sound.
Miss Afghanistan is forbidden from working.

Miss America's father is an engineer. Her mother is a teacher.
Miss Afghanistan's father was shot by a gang of Taliban
militants. Her mother begs for bread scraps since she cannot
work or remarry.

Miss America wowed the judges by singing a Puccini aria, 
"O Mio Babbino Caro".
Miss Afghanistan is forbidden from singing or even listening 
to music of any kind.

Miss America will be traveling the nation nonstop during her
Miss Afghanistan cannot leave her house without a male family
member, cannot drive, and cannot be out after dark.

Miss America is an advocate for breast cancer research.
Miss Afghanistan cannot be treated by a male doctor, and for 
all practical purposes has no access to medical treatment of 
any kind.

Countries of the World: Afghanistan

Miss America can date, marry, or divorce anyone she chooses.
Miss Afghanistan will be stoned to death if caught in the 
company of a male outside of her family. She is likely to be 
sold into an arranged marriage to a man who already has two 

Miss America wears sunscreen on the beach to keep from 
Miss Afghanistan cannot live in a house with windows unless 
they are painted black. Since she must wear a burqua outside, 
her pale translucent skin has not seen a ray of sunlight in 

Miss America could have been disqualified if her swimsuit did 
not meet pageant standards.
Miss Afghanistan can be flogged if the holes in the mesh 
covering her face are too large.

 Afghanistan--Chronotopia: Landscapes of the Destruction of Afghanistan

Miss America will decide how many children, if any, she wants 
to have.
Miss Afghanistan will be pregnant 3-4 times more often than 
Miss America. Unfortunately, her babies are 25 times more 
likely to die in the first year. One out of four will not 
see their 5th birthday. 

Miss America is majoring in speech communications at PSU.
Miss Afghanistan is forbidden from speaking in public.

Miss America is 21. Since the U.S. life expectancy for women 
is 80, she's still a very young woman.
Miss Afghanistan is also 21. But since the life expectancy 
for an Afghan woman is 43, next year she will be 
over-the-hill". (Besides having a shockingly short life 
expectancy overall, Afghanistan is one of the only countries 
in the world in which women have a shorter life expectancy 
than men).

Miss America is a beautiful, intelligent woman and everyone 
knows it.
Miss Afghanistan could be a beautiful, intelligent woman... 
but nobody will ever know it.

Afghanistan: Hidden Treasures Peoples Of South Asia Map 1984

God Bless Miss America.
God Help Miss Afghanistan.

 Moon Over Afghanistan

  The Long Walk Home: Paul Franklin's Journey from Afghanistan

  Meena, Heroine of Afghanistan: The Martyr Who Founded RAWA, the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, by Chavis

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